Thursday, June 17, 2010

Fenner Find of the Day

Hello Lovely Readers (i.e. Fenners),

Since Dana has thus far been Bogarting the posting, I figured it's about time I stick my 2 cents in.

I've been spending a lot of time out on the farm re-organizing and control-freak-cleaning the house in my spare time. This whole organization thing seems to be a latent gene that has just appeared. Thanks a lot, Mom.

But anyway...
In my cleaning attempts, I've found quite a few...mmm...interesting things.

Today's: guys got some SPLAININ' to do.

Oh and Mikey tried to escape today. Good thing he's not a normal cat who would rather have wet food over dry food, and all I had to do was shake the dry food to make him come running back.



  1. Ahahaha! My Dad's cd's... we accept no responsibility for those. As soon as I showed him this blog, he says "You guys took those out of the car?!?! I wanted to listen to those while I was driving!!!"

    Yeah. He's just as crazy as Bea.

    And if Mikey gets out, he usually comes back if you call him. And if all else fails, he has always come back to the front door by evening. He likes to sleep under the deck most of the time. We're trying to keep him inside all the time since he is the million dollar cat now, but if he gets out it's not the end of the world. Have fun!

  2. I think if I hadn't just tried to shoot the remainder of his medicine down his throat he would have come back right away. haha. But he was pretty good. The whole ordeal took like 25 seconds to go down.

  3. Haha yeah, definitely not a big fan of his medicine. The first couple of times that I gave it to him he would run away and jump up on the counter, and then just glare at me forever.

  4. bout time kelly. i have to upload pics of you feeding the sheep. you have to write something about it in the 1st person. it will be more personal . . . and i cant think of anything clever to say. HEH.

    hi jenn.

  5. Well I can't write something without seeing the pictures. Take that fat rat

  6. dear miss bickerson and miss bickerson,

    will the two of you stop bickering and just write a new note. i so look forward to reading this each night after a long day locked in a car with four irritating people. i use your blog as a way to keep in touch with home and to keep in touch with my sanity (as fragile as it may be). thank you miss b and miss b.

    your lovely reader
