Monday, June 21, 2010

Down on Fenner Farm There are Some Really Noisy SheepGoats

Today, wonderful readers, we talk about the goats and sheep.
These animals have four legs, a bristly sort of fur, and loud human sounding cries.
They also like to clamor around and knock their feeders over when they get excited for food. (and as a side note, I've only missed throwing the hay into that back feeder twice. Thank you, thank you, please quell your applause. It's embarrassing. No really, stop. I could never accept your WNBA offer.)

And here below are the ravenous goat-sharks eating.

Today, one goat in this pen who has horns got his head stuck in the fence and then refused to let me help him out. He kept trying to maneuver his head through one of the other holes, making him look like a thread in a loom. Then every time I would push his head back, he would only push back, apparently thinking it was some kind of see-who-can-push-the-hardest game.
I eventually just cut his head off.

Just kidding.

The good part about this job is that I get to hold a knife. Which I have since misplaced. I had to use mini hedge trimmer things this morning.
And my nails were wet, ok!! It's not like I'm always this dainty and delicate.
Then again, maybe I am.
--Kelly (and Dana's pictures)

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