Thursday, June 17, 2010

Beatrix Potter

Beloved Wonderful Follwers,

On behalf of the International Insane Cat Society {IICS}, I would like to introduce you to Beatrix Potter. Do not let her sweet sky blue eyes and velvety pink nose fool you. She is psycho, crazy, cracked, nuts, lost her marbles, and beyond all help. She enjoys dancing across the floor toting q-tips and pencils. She is very much a morning cat I have discovered, as she bounces across the couch shoving her face in my hands demanding for a pet. She too is a bob tail Siemens rescue cat . . . which is probably why she is partly . . . no not partly . . . more like 98% unwell.

{i went upstairs to get her and she was all set up for a glamor shot}

-- Dana


  1. My mom's cats are always insane. Mine, on the other hand, are quite lovely. Picasso (the darker outside one) is my other one, and he is a doll. My mom's are just pure kill-you-in-your-sleep psychos.

  2. so true. look at her - the face ann rule {}
    warned you about in her latest book.

  3. my cats are the beautifulest tho!!! who looks at personality, it's looks that count!

  4. Beatle has a funny white pig nose like Penelope and Mikey's is cute and square. Just my humble observation...

  5. Mikey's nose is handsome and perfect. Just like him.
